Nieuws en publicaties

22 mei 2024

Van 22 tem 24 mei 2024 vindt het CMI Colloquium plaats in Gothenburg, Zweden.

Alle informatie over het programma en inschrijvingsmogelijkheden vindt u terug op :

25 apr 2024

In Memoriam Kapitein Marcel Van Clemen en Kapitein Fred Oostra

Met droefheid hebben wij op zeer korte tijd afscheid dienen te nemen van twee Eredekens van de Nautische Commissie bij de Rechtbank van Koophandel te Antwerpen. 


14 jun 2023

The CMI Conference 2023 will this year take place in Quebec, Montreal, Canada from 14 until 16 June 2023.

You can find all information with regard to registration, programme and accomodation on this website.


28 apr 2023

In this programme, a wide variety of selected topics is addressed. They cover a large and diverse area of maritime law, both from a legal and a practical point of view, covering both Law of the Sea and Admiralty Law (in European continental parlance, both private law and public law aspects). Week 1 (as of 2 May) is dedicated to Law of the Sea (supervised and presided by Prof. Em. Eduard Somers), Week 2 (as of 8 May) and Week 3 (as of 15 May) are reserved for Admiralty Law (supervised by Prof. Ralph De Wit).

19 okt 2022

The 2022 CMI Conference will take place in Antwerp, Belgium. Antwerp is the birthplace of the Comité Maritime International that celebrates its 125 years existence.

More information on our website
