Programme on Maritime Law: 2-17 May 2023
Programme on Maritime Law: 2-17 May 2023
In this programme, a wide variety of selected topics is addressed. They cover a large and diverse area of maritime law, both from a legal and a practical point of view, covering both Law of the Sea and Admiralty Law (in European continental parlance, both private law and public law aspects). Week 1 (as of 2 May) is dedicated to Law of the Sea (supervised and presided by Prof. Em. Eduard Somers), Week 2 (as of 8 May) and Week 3 (as of 15 May) are reserved for Admiralty Law (supervised by Prof. Ralph De Wit). Topics include (inter alia) aspects of the new Belgian Shipping Code, carriage of goods by sea, chartering, limitation of liability for shipowners, ship finance, insurance aspects, arrest and judicial sale of vessels, joint surveys in maritime disputes, ISPS, disciplinary actions, safety issues…
Course materials consist of slide presentations and/or texts, and some background documentation. Covid-19 restrictions have been lifted for some time, so most lectures will be held at the Academy (Noordkasteel Oost 6, 2030 Antwerp). Due to last year’s success, however, the Academy will continue to offer participation online via the Academy’s electronic platform.
Professional training credits (OVB) will be available for Belgian lawyers and (if possible) for other professions with training requirements.
The Antwerp Maritime Academy is a bilingual institution for Dutch-speaking and French-speaking students. For practical reasons, the present courses are all in English. With a few exceptions, practically all speakers are native Dutch speakers, and hence any questions by outside participants can also be answered in that language.
You will find all information with regard to programme and registration here.